Free and Open Source

All components of the uPlatform architecture are Free and Open Source, under an Apache 2.0 license that allows integration with proprietary code.

Designed for Xilinx SoC

The uPlatform is designed from the ground up to take advantage of all the resources available in Xilinx Zynq 7000 family of System on Chip FPGAs.

No infrastructure required

Developed for maximal ease of use, uPlatform is completely self contained, not requiring any additional infrastructure.
This avoids the need for lengthy approval and commisioning processes in large research institutions.

  • uPlatform version 2.2

    The new version 2.2 of the uPlatform suite has been released with many new and exciting features, along with fixes for bugs and other improvements. Check it out on GitHub

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  • femtoCore Architecture published in academic journal

    The femtoCore ISA and core architecture design have been detailed in a recently published in a paper on the Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society. The full paper is available at the following link.

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  • New Website online

    The new website for uPlatform is online, more content and features will be added in the coming weeks

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